If you browse any of the design boards, magazines or instagram accounts you may notice wide plank white oak is extremely popular. This is for good reason. White oak is jaw droppingly beautiful. The beauty of white oak is one thing but you may wonder what it looks like after your animals run across it, the kids drop toys on it and your husband forgets to take his shoes off. White oak is durable and functional, not just a pretty face.

White oak has a great open grain pattern that runs throughout the boards. The grain in the white oak is ideal for masking imperfections and can hide scratches and dents from pets nails. Depending on the cut of your white oak the grain patterns may be different. A rift and quartered white oak floor has a lot of character which means more grain movement in each board. The long length boards can also help mask dents and scratches by drawing your eye across the room.

When choosing white oak you will want to choose the right finish as well. Avoiding glossy floors is ideal when you have pets. A matte finish is a great choice for helping to mask and scratching. Wire brushed finishes are also ideal for homes with pest because the textured look of the floor can camouflage the imperfections. The installer can give you examples of the different finish options and how they will work in your home.

The character of white oak is unmatched. White oak has beautiful grain patterns with the occasional knot and check. The floor can have a rustic look or a more polished look depending on the grade. This character is another way to hide the natural scratching and wear your floor with experience.

If you have pets you will want to be cautious when choosing a stain. Stains are beautiful but can make some scratching or fur more apparent. Think about the color of the finished product and how it would contrast your pets fur. The installer will likely be able to advise the best option in this regard as well.

Pets and hardwood flooring do not have to be opposing forces, they can happily coexist when the right finish, species and colors are chosen.